Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Daily Grind

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! We had a blast! Little Miss loved opening her presents (okay, she really liked tearing the paper and then chewing on it). We were able to spend time with our family, both here in Virginia as well as North and South Carolina. We are back at home now and trying to get things back to normal.

I feel like I have a million things to do and the list is growing faster than I can complete it! Starting next week I hope I can accomplish a lot more. My car was flooded in a storm in November and has been totaled. I have a rental until Saturday. After that I will be confined to our small, dark apartment with Little Miss. Maybe I will finally have the chance to organize my craft supplies. We will have to see. Wish me luck! I hope I don't get cabin fever!

As far as resolutions go, I haven't made any official ones. I don't really see the point. If I am going to do it, I will do it - resolution or not. I have several things that I would like to accomplish this year. I just hope this year is better than last year. I don't have any real right to complain about 2009 - I have my amazing daughter because of it! But overall it will not be missed. I hope you have a blessed, prosperous, and successful 2010!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Great Escape

It's the holidays. That automatically means life is going to get a little crazier for a while. Here in Munchkinland it's no different. Daddy is working non-stop and not sleeping. Mama is trying to bake and be festive while chasing after Little Miss. Little Miss has decided to add to the craziness by learning to escape from her infant seat.

On Sunday she was dressed in her finest for church. I buckled her into her chair so I could put on my coat and shoes. I left the room for 60 seconds. When I came back she was dangling over the side with her ankles holding on to the seat belt. Two seconds later she was on the floor and the chair was on its side. She was trying to get to her Christmas presents. And yes, she knows which ones are hers. They are the only ones she tries to get.

I have even tried to make the seat belt uncomfortably tight, remove temptations and distract her with toys. She doesn't care. She is on the move. Any day now she is going to start crawling, too. This makes trying to bake cookies slightly problematic. Luckily a very sweet cousin came over and entertained her yesterday. Today we tried out the high chair. Little Miss was "helping" Mama bake. She even had her own measuring cup. She wasn't too happy but it worked and I was able to make a few cookies.

It's getting crazy though. Because of her reflux she needs to be upright and relatively still for at least an hour after she eats or she will vomit everywhere. And I do mean vomit, not a trickle of spit up. This means I can't put her in her crib, a blanket on the floor, or her bouncy saucer thing. The infant chair was our favorite thing when I wasn't able to hold her. Now that's out. Some people complain that I hold her too much and spoil her. But she can't vomit up every meal. She is skinny as can be anyway!

But regardless of the craziness we are greatly looking forward to Little Miss getting to experience Christmas for the first time. She has been ready to get in her presents since they magically appeared under the tree. She also loves being around her family and there will be many occassions for that over the next few weeks. So we will keep chasing after our little escape artist and enjoy every second of it! And we hope you and your family will enjoy the craziness in your lives, too!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"We wish to welcome you to Munchkinland"

Welcome to Munchkinland! The land of sippy cups and dirty diapers, milestones and meltdowns. Come along on an adventure with my family as we navigate the yellow brick road called LIFE.